1. Click "Setting" and select "Functional Expertise" on Welcome page.
* This is also available from the Menu Bar in the respective pages as shown below.
<Create new functional expertise>
1. Click "Create new Functional Expertise".
2. Enter mandatory field and click "Save".
<Edit functional expertise>
1. Click the blue bar of the functional expertise you want to edit.
2. Click "Edit".
3. Edit information and click "Save".
<Delete functional expertise>
1. Click the blue bar of the functional expertise you want to delete.
2. Click "Delete".
3. If there are existing job and/or user associated with this functional expertise, you need to select one to merge. Select functional expertise and click "Merge".
<Sub function>
1. To each functional expertise you can add a sub function. Click "Create new Functional Expertise" or "Edit" of the functional expertise you want to edit. Click on the icon squared in red.
2. Enter name of sub functional and slick "Save".
3. Sub function will be added.
* Click to edit sub function. Click
to delete sub function.