This manual will guide you on how to create Clients, Jobs, and Candidates, and will lead you from the start to the end of StaffingBoss.
Chevron - the following shapes that StaffingBoss use to express each of the process.
(Companies Chevron)
(Lead Chevron)
(Jobs Chevron) etc.
Action Buttons - below are the three types of action buttons.
Reject (delete, not hire)
Pending (other action such as let the candidate apply for other jobs)
Job Dashboard shows COMPANIES, LEADS, OPPORTUNITIES, ACCOUNTS, and JOBS. This allows to manage all process as shown below.
Candidate Dashboard shows the workflow process after JOBS and allows to manage all process as shown below.
* When you work on creating Clients, Jobs, and Candidates, we recommend you NOT to use the ‘Back’ button on your browser.