Release content:
1. Dashboard title change
Job dashboard will now be known as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and Candidate dashboard will be known as ATS (Applicant Tracking System) from this release onwards.
2. New Task board
2.1 PC version
The interface and functions of the Taskboard is completely upgraded. You can access the Taskboard from the welcome page and side bar menu.
- Default view of the Taskboard
The Taskboard is separated in 3 parts as the frame for reference, the frame contains the tasks tab/emails tab and the frame to view the detail of the task/email. The left frame is a place to view the information of the candidate/contact/company/job. We call this the address book of the Taskboard where users are able to search for contact info. First, select a category from the candidates/contacts/companies/jobs tabs. Enter the keyword and a list of search results will appear. Select one of the results and details will be shown in the frame.
The right frame is where you can view the details of tasks and emails. When you click on one of the tasks/emails of the list, details will be displayed in the right frame.
Both frames can be resized. You can also hide frames by clicking the orange triangle squared indicated in the screenshot below:
- Below shows how the system looks like with both frames hidden
The Tasks tab is where you can manage all your tasks in the system. All the tasks created in the system will
be listed here and you can view, create new task and take action related to the tasks.
① Search task
Enter free text to search for tasks in the list and press enter key.
② Create a task
Click “Create a task” button to create new task. When the button is clicked, a form will be
populated on the right frame for you to input the necessary information.
a) Candidate/contact to set a task to
b) Click on the icon to select Candidate or Contact. Enter the name to search for the Candidate/Contact.
Select one Candidate/Contact from the dropdown.
c) Comment box
This is the comments box. Click on it and a dropdown of pre-defined comments will appear.
You can select one from it or enter a free text.
d) Label
Enter text and a dropdown will appear for you to append the relevant label to this task.
This labels can is pre-defined at the “Settings” – “Admin setting” – “Task category management”.
On this page you can customise the labels for tasks. You will be able to filter the tasks by the
label categories you’ve created and tagged the task to.
e) Assignee
Select an internal staff to assign the task to.
f) Followers
Select an internal staff who should follow this task. Users set as ‘follower’ will see this task at the Taskboard when they use the “Task I’m following” filter.
g) Due date
Set a due date to the task.
h) Alert
Set date and time to send a reminder to the user. (This function will be enabled in future releases)
i) Related jobs and contacts
If the candidate has been appended to a job, you can set job and contacts to relate to.
j) Contact method
Select a contact method from “Phone call/skype”, “Email” and “Meeting” options.
k) Set KPI
Click on this to enable task to count as KPI.
l) Attachment
Users are able to attach files to this task.
m) Comment type
If you wish to define the comment type, select one option from the dropdown.
n) Trigger
You can move the contact by selecting an appropriate trigger when creating the task.
o) Related jobs and candidates
When the contact has a job and candidate applied to it, you can relate them to this task.
③ Task filters
To help users manage tasks, users are able to customize the number and types of filters displayed.
Click on theicon to select the filter you’d like to be shown. There are a total of filters as
shown below:
④ Available action & Email logs
StaffingBoss now allows user to take bulk action to tasks. Check on the relevant tasks you want to
take action to and click on the button.
‘Email logs’ shows the email activity history and you can use this as a reference to view the result
of the bulk email sent.
⑤ Task
The name of the candidate/contact that is displayed is hyperlinked so you can click in to open the
corresponding profile page. Click on the green triangle button to open the detail page and it will
appear in the right frame. You can edit the details and information of tasks.
At the bottom of the task information, you can quickly enter
comments and save it. All the comments and actions taken will be saved in history. You will be able to know who has done what
to this task.
<Email tab with right frame>
This shows all your email communications. For this to work, make sure you have set up email integrations
in ‘Settings’
① Search email
Enter free text to search for the email in the list and hit enter.
② Compose email
Click “Compose” to compose a new email, the right frame will then display email form for you to
draft the emails.
③ Switch inbox/sent box and in your inbox by default. Click on the little triangle next to “Inbox” to switch from ‘Inbox’ view to ‘Sent’ view.
icon will display all the emails.
will display unread emails.
will display emails of contacts.
will display emails of candidates.
will display emails of people who are both candidate and contact
④ Available action & Refresh
StaffingBoss allows user to take bulk action to the tasks. Check on the relevant emails you want to delete and click on the button.
Click on “Refresh” button to view the latest emails.
⑤ Email
The name of the candidate/contact that is displayed is hyperlinked so you can click in to open the
corresponding profile page. Click on the green triangle button to open the detail page at the right
frame. You can create tasks, reply and remove action from here.
2.2 Mobile version
StaffingBoss’ Taskboard is also mobile ready which means you will be able to view your task and emails
when you’re on the go.
Access StaffingBoss from your mobile device and login to the system. You will see the taskboard at once. By
default you will see the task list. Touch the “Email” tab to bring out the email list.
Flick the screen to right and you will see the address book.
Flick the screen to left and you will see the detail of the task/email.
3. Notifications
The Notification feature has been added so that you can stay on top of any incoming emails or action taken by candidates and contact during the job. Previously, StaffingBoss users had to keep track of all emails and check the status of emails from time to time. This new feature eliminates the hassle and the notification tab flags up incoming emails/activities.
Click on the notification or “See all” link to move to notification page.
① Search
Input keyword to search for notification.
② Filter
Click on the icons to display the filtered notifications to the list. In this release, “Sales (ATS) notifications” and “Comment notifications” are available.
③ Bulk delete
Check on the notifications that you want to delete. Click on the “Delete” button to delete all the notification selected.
④ Notification
Simple message for notification including links to provide more detail related to it. If the action button is displayed, you can take action to the candidate/contact normally as you would with the quick action icons.
4. Currency convertor
The currency displayed in report can now be switched based on the value of currency convertor. Access the page from “Setting” – “Admin setting” – “Currency convertor”.
The default value will be displayed in the matrix based on the information from Yahoo. You can edit the value if necessary.
Click the relevant field and key in the new value to edit. The value will be automatically saved once the your mouse is not in the cell. This activity will be recorded in the history so click on ‘See more’ if you wish to do so. It will tracked against the StaffingBoss user, email, date/time and action.
This currency convertor only applies for report. For example, see below report. The currency is set as JPY.
When you change the “Currency” field to VND, the number at the axis differs from the previous chart. Also, hover on the chart to view the detail. The value also is converted to the currency selected.
5. Chevron view at CRM
Different from the chevron view of ATS, CRM contains two chevron (company and contact) at each stage. From this release users are able to choose whether to view only company, only contact or both chevron at the page based on the setting.
- Company only
- Contact only
The default setting can be done for each user at “User account setting” page.
6. Improvement on parsing resume for existing candidate
In StaffingBoss you are able to upload multiple resume of one candidate. Previously the parsing function for the existing candidate was just to overwrite all the available data parsed from the resume. This parsing feature is improved to allow the users to select which field to overwrite.
Once the parse button is clicked, pop-up to confirm whether to overwrite the data will appear.
Here you can see how many fields were parsed and able to be overwritten. If you do not want to overwrite all of the parsed data, click on “View more details” link. The comparison list of the current value and new value of the field will appear.
Put a check to the field you want the data to be overwritten. After you selected the field and clicked
“Overwrite” button, the parsed data will be overwritten to the candidate profile.
7. Column customization
Inside the ATS and CRM, users are able to select and customize the column of the page.
Click on the gear icon to see the list of available columns. Check on the columns you want to see at the table.
8. Candidate source view permission
When you create a job or edit an existing job and want to select candidate source for the job, you are only able to see the list of candidate source that has been assigned to the you. This is defined at the user setting page of “Settings” – “Internal Setting”.
9. Improvement on posting job
From this release, the actions for posting are all simplified and much easier for you to understand and use.
Previously you were able to post jobs during the job creation process, now job posting will only be enabled
after the job has been successfully created. Once you created a job and open the job page, you will notice
that the “Choose candidate source and Submit job” tab has been changed toto “Post job” tab. From here,
any of the posting actions can be done.
Table columns
No. : Temporary number of the candidate source listed.
Candidate Source : The name of the candidate source.
Type : Type of the candidate source.
Posting Start Date : When the job is posted to the candidate source, the start date will be displayed here.
Posting End Date : The date that the job will/had end posting.
Posted/Quota : The number of job posted to its candidate source and the limit of job that can be posted to job will be displayed.
Last status : The status of the candidate source. When the status is “Ready to share”, the action button is available to use. When the status is “Preparation needed”, click on the link to open the pop-up to prepare for the posting.
Available Actions : The action button will be displayed based on candidate source availability.
10. Training video
For users that are just getting started with StaffingBoss, training videos is the fastest way to help them understand the basic operations of Staffingboss. Users are able to easily access these videos from the “View Training Video” tab displayed at the right hand side of the screen.
Click on the number you are interested in and the video will start automatically. You can close the training video screen by clicking “Close Training Video” tab.
Newly created user will have the setting to show the training video tab which leads to the video. When you think you have learned enough, the training video tab can be hidden at the “User account setting” page or “Internal staff” page by setting the option as “Off”.
11. Enable to search dropdown, checkbox and radio button in free text
When using quick search, the value of dropdown, checkbox and radio button should be selected from the options. With this release, users are able to input the value of them by keyboard and correct result will be listed.
For example, the status of candidate is a dropdown list. The options are “Met” and “Not Met”.
Before this release, if you wanted to search for a candidate whom you have not met with i.e. Status = Not
Met. StaffingBoss users needed to first select the category of ‘Status’ and select ‘ Not Met’ from the
However, in this release, you are able to simply type in the text ‘not met’ and StaffingBoss pulls out the right information for you.
As above, the values saved in dropdown, checkbox and radio button are now able to search by free text.
12. Email integration – MS Exchange 2013
For email integration, we have implemented the email support of MS Exchange 2013. Users who are using this email support can select the option “Office 365/MS Exchange 2013” at the “Email Support” of Email settings section to integrate their account to StaffingBoss.
13. 3 New dashboard
3 new dashboards have been added to reports. From “Analytics” – “Report” menu you will be able to view the reports.
- Top 10 Revenue year-to-date (YTD): Jan - Dec
- Candidate source analysis
- Revenue/Placements – 3 year comparison by month
14. Pipeline management in Job details
From the job details page, you are now able to indicate the probability of closing the deal as part of the new pipeline management feature.
Percentage change of placement : Enter the appropriate percentage that reflects the amount of confidence you have with successfully placing the candidate to this job.
Time to fill (days) : Expectation for how long will it take to place the candidate to this job.
Difficulty level : Set the difficulty level of the placement to this job.
Reason for difficulty : Enter the reason for the difficulty level.
“Percentage change of placement” and “Time to fill(days)” are available at the column customization at the CRM/ATS job chevron.
15. Improvement for Reset password
The Reset password function has been improved for added security and StaffingBoss now sends a hyperlink. When you click on the “Reset password” at the “Settings” – “Internal staff” – “(account)”, StaffingBoss will send email with a link to the user. User will be able to set new password at the page.
- Default email sent to user
- The page displayed after clicking the link
16. Undo action in Offer, Placement and Invoice stage
Undo action to the candidate processed to Offer, Placement and Invoice stage is now available.
Click on the red action button for the candidate at each stage, so that you will see a pop-up. When you selected the undo option, the candidate will revert back to the previous stage they have been.
- Offer stage
- Placement stage
- Invoice stage
17. Company comments
At the company detail page, Company comments tab is added. Here the users are able to save/view comments related to this company.
To add a comment, click on the “+” icon so that a new row will appear and you will be able to write in comments.
With the comment, users are able to relate the comment to the contact and also relate to KPI. Click on the check icon to save the comment.
The comments will be listed under the comment tab and available for all the users.
18. Hide pre-defined comment and triggers by default in candidate/contact profile
We have hidden the Pre-defined comments section by default. Simply click on the arrow to open it and create task.
- Candidate profile page – Emails&Comments tab
- Contact profile page – Tiggers & Comments tab
19. Notify people in Comment section
In this release, StaffingBoss now allows the user to easily send comments to other StaffingBoss users i.e Internal Staff by using notify functionaility at comment section.
In the “Create a follow up task” field, one option is added which is “Notify internally”. This is an option for the user to send notification and email to other internal staffs with relevant comment.
- Candidate profile page – Emails&Comments tab
- Contact profile page – Triggers&Comments tab
When you want to send notification to other users, select this option and write in any comment to the comment box. Then select user from the dropdown in the “Notify” column. When you click on the “Save as comment” button, the comment will be saved and notification/email will be sent to the notify user(s).
- Notification page of the notified user
- Default email template for the email that will be sent to notify user
Custom search for job has added a company field so that you can search a job filtered by company.
From the candidate profile page, click on the “Search and submit this candidate to jobs” button to open the search page.
On the search page, click on the “Custom” radio button. Check on the “Detail” – “Companies”. Enter keyword to search company. From the dropdown list, select the company.
Go back to the search page and enter keyword as and when needed. Click on the search button and you will find a job under the company you have set.
At advanced search this field is available.