To create a referral form template
1. Select "Customize" under "Admin" module in the menu toolbar
2. Under "People" tab, there will be a "People Referral"
2.1 You may also set the source of the referral people. Meaning from "Career Website" or from "JobDB".
3. Click on the ">>>>" to expand the selection
4. Click on "Create Form" to add new form or "modify" to edit on existing template.
5. If "Create Form" is clicked, the below pop out will be shown to input the form name.
6. Input the form name and click "OK"
7. It will redirect the screen below after inputting the name or creating the modify.
8. The standard field will be shown.
9. Click on the "X" at the side of the field to remove any unnecessary fields.
10. To add new field, click on "Create Custom Fields" on the left.
11. Select the desired type of the field.
12. Fill in all the label, size and tick if it is a mandatory field and click on "Add"
13. The new field will be found on the last on the custom field list.
14. Scroll down and drag into the form.
15. You will see the new field in the form on the location you position the field.
16. Click on "Save" and the new form is already to be used
17. It will also be reflected on the "Career Website" setting dropdown of referral forms.