1. Click "Create new" and select "Candidate".
2. Click "Upload resume" and/or "Upload cover letter".
3. Click "Upload a file". File extension accepted is ".csv" and ".tsv" file.
4. Select the document and click open.
5. Choose which resume/cover letter to upload and click "parse" to start resume parsing. Parsing software will scan in the resume.
6. Make sure mandatory fields (*) are filled in.
7. Cross check on information that might have been missed from the resume to the auto data input in the candidate application form.
8. Click Submit.
9. Make a selection for next step.
9-1. Click "Verify candidate information" for here.
10-1. Verify in each info tab and cross check on information that might have been missed from the CV on the left to the auto data input on the right.
11-1. Make sure mandatory fields (*) are filled in and click Next.
9-2. Click "Relate candidate job".
10-2. Attach candidate to a certain position by using search box and clicking next.
11-2. Or simply adding them to your database unattached to and by simply clicking "next".
9-3. Click "Submit candidate without job and go to Upload resume page" or "Submit candidate without job and go to Candidate profile page".
10-3. Edit candidate details as required.
* There may be occasion when there is no suitable job for a candidate who has submitted his/her resume via email, paper. You can use HiringBoss to store candidates' resume for available position in the future.
12. Rate the candidate.
13. Include any comments
14. Additional screening question available.
15. Click "Submit candidate".
* Resume parsing is essentially digital scanning of a CV. Parsing takes information from a resume and inputs into the system based on the candidate profile e.g. name, contact details.
** The objective of HiringBoss ATS is that the candidate can apply to the jobs themselves via the career site. In case you receive a paper resume or an application via email, you can add the candidate manually into the system.